The Cape Aflame Project Team


Climate Change – The Facts 2019

Note: The above documentary, for which a promotional image appears below, is produced by the BBC and is currently available to subscribers only – hence it being pulled from publicly accessible websites.

While this site respects copyright, the climate crisis, recognised by the British parliament, knows no national borders. It is global in nature. It is therefore unconscionable that this documentary, which offers a milquetoast introduction to an existential crisis threatening life on Earth, should be denied a global audience.

For this reason the above alternative link is shared.

Should the link no longer lead you to the documentary, the film is available on respected torrent sites and should, once its producer has lifted its embargo of it, be available on publicly accessible sites.

September 2019: The link has been pulled. Try downloading it here.


Planet of the Humans

A more realistic portrayal of the mess we’re in.

Fire from the Dragon

An inspiring and realistically hope-affirming film by renowned wildland fire photographer Justin Sullivan on how the use of smoke detectors and alarms (in a Western Cape Government-backed pilot project at the Wallacedene TRA informal settlement) saves lives come time for “the fire that comes out of the dragon”.

Knysna Fires 2017

Vulcan Wildfire Management has shared the first definitive, publicly-accessible case study of the Knysna Fires of June 2017, which killed eight people and destroyed some 1300 homes.

Reports – official and otherwise – a plethora of articles and at least one book have been released covering aspects of last year’s tragedy, but none could be described as definitive or wholly reliable.

Surprisingly, this in-depth investigation of the fires, their causes and the lessons learned from them are presented in a world-class 45-minute video documentary, Knysna Fires 2017, rather than in a book. The film was made by the Vulcan Task Team; Patrick Ryan, Ryan Heydenrych and Dean Harrison, contributors to the success of The Cape Aflame – Cape Town’s Dance with Fire in 2015/16.

A detailed, printed case study of the devastating Knysna Fires, authored by the Task Team and complementing this video production with further detail and stunning photography, is also available.

Vulcan Wildfire Management uses this graphic opportunity to educate both the authorities and the public in the effective implementation of the Incident Command System, legislation governing wildfire, and their responsibility to protect property on the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI).

It does so by having the relevant authorities and members of the affected public tell their stories on camera; in effect, it enables them to speak to each other.

Vulcan’s website and Facebook pages are well worth visiting. If you live on the WUI, download Check, Protect, Survive – you might one day be extremely grateful you did so. If Knysna Fires 2017 is anything to go by, they have much to teach us, as wildfire management experts and as makers of informative and educative documentaries.

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“No single agency can successfully prepare and defend against the challenge of wildfires or be effective in safeguarding people, homes, businesses, infrastructure and the natural environment. The only successful strategy incorporates shared responsibility and synergy.”

Situational Analysis of the 2017 Knysna Fires Lessons Learned Report by Vulcan Wildfire Management.

Note: This report, by the former Chief Fire Officer: Knysna Fire and Rescue Service, Clinton Manuel, deals with the most devastating fire, which started at Elandskraal. His theory that the fire was started by human agency has been savagely debunked in Knysna fire: secret CSIR report bombshell, a January 2018 article in noseweek. noseweek, a subscription publication, followed this with BREAKING NEWS: Knysna fire smokescreen in February and Knysna fire: CSIR report confirms we got it right in July 2018.

It seems the Vulcan report gets it right.

The Knysna Fires of 2017: Learning from this disaster

An in-depth authoritative and independent report, commissioned by short-term insurer Santam, into the devastating fires that struck the Knysna area in June 2017 has found that the risk of so-called ‘mega-fires’ recurring in South Africa remains high.

Santam commissioned the report from the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), the Research Alliance for Disaster and Risk Reduction (RADAR) and the Fire Engineering Research Unit (FireSUN) at Stellenbosch University.

Knysna Fires of 2017: Santam releases independent disaster report

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