Further online resources used in the writing of The Cape Aflame – Cape Town’s Dance with Fire will be added to this repository when extracted from the original source text.
Should any link lead to an external online resource that presents a paywall, please do a search on the title. The paper or document is available elsewhere on the Web or it would not be listed.
This page contains eight main sections and two subsections, listed alphabetically and linked to here:
• Fauna
• Flora
Climate Change
Knysna Fires 2017
National and International Treaties and Legislation
Cape Town’s Unique Biodiversity: Vegetation Environmental Resource Management Department, City of Cape Town 2010 Poster
Cape Town’s Unique Biodiversity: Species Environmental Resource Management Department, City of Cape Town 2010 Poster
City of Cape Town Nature Reserves – A network of amazing biodiversity Environmental Resource Management Department, City of Cape Town Second edition 2010
City of Cape Town Biodiversity Management Branch Strategic Plan 2009-2019 Environmental Resource Management Department, City of Cape Town
Kruger F.J. A Description of the Fynbos Biome Project South African National Scientific Programmes Report No. 28 June 1978, CSIR
Myers M., Mittermeier R.A., Mittermeier C.G., De Fonseca G.A.B and Kent J. Biodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities Nature February 2000, Vol 403 24
SANBI Cape Town’s Unique Biodiversity: Endemic Systems – 6. Cape Flats Sand Fynbos Factsheet
SANBI Fynbos Fynmense: people making biodiversity work SANBI Biodiversity Series 4, Pretoria 2006
South Africa’s 2nd National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2015-2025 Department of Environmental Affairs, Pretoria, July 2015
• Fauna
City of Cape Town Proceedings of Baboon Expert Workshop 2 July 2009
Creatures of Harmony Flats City of Cape Town Fact sheet
Cox L.A., Comuzzie A.G., Havill L.M., Karere G.M., Spradling K.D., Mahaney M.C., Nathanielsz P.W., Nicolella D.P., Shade R.E., Voruganti S. and VandeBerg J.L Baboons as a Model to Study Genetics and Epigenetics of Human Disease ILAR Journal, Volume 54, Issue 2, 1 January 2013, 106–121
Cook C.A. Conservation of South African Tortoises with Emphasis on their Apicomplexan Haematozoans, as well as Biological and Metal-fingerprinting of Captive Individuals PhD Thesis in Zoology, Faculty of Science, University of Johannesburg, June 2012
Hoffman T.S. The spatial ecology of chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) in the Cape Peninsula, South Africa – Towards improved management and conservation strategies PhD Thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Cape Town, December 2011
Hoffman, T.S. and O’Riain M. Monkey management: using spatial ecology to understand the extent and severity of human–baboon conflict in the Cape Peninsula, South Africa Ecology and Society 2012, 17(3): 13
Hofmeyr M.D. Chersina angulata (Schweigger 1812) – Angulate Tortoise, South African Bowsprit Tortoise In: Rhodin, A.G.J., Pritchard, P.C.H., Van Dijk, P.P., Saumure, R.A., Buhlmann, K.A., Iverson, J.B., and Mittermeier, R.A. (Eds.). Conservation Biology of Freshwater Turtles and Tortoises: A Compilation Project of the IUCN/SSC Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle
Specialist Group. Chelonian Research Monographs No. 5, pp. 030.1-030.6
Human Wildlife Solutions Public Information Factsheet
Human Wildlife Solutions Monthly Report March 2015
Human Wildlife Solutions Monthly Report April 2015
Human Wildlife Solutions Monthly Report May 2015
Human wildlife Solutions Annual Report 2015
Human Wildlife Solutions Monthly Report January 2016
Human Wildlife Solutions Monthly Report February 2016
Human Wildlife Solutions Monthly Report March 2016
Human Wildlife Solutions Monthly Report April 2016
Human Wildlife Solutions Monthly Report May 2016
Human Wildlife Solutions Monthly Report June 2016
Human Wildlife Solutions Monthly Report July 2016
Cape of Good Hope SPCA 137th Annual Report 2016
Newman T.K., Clifford J.J. and Rogers J. Mitochondrial Phylogeny and Systematics of Baboons (Papio) Am. J. Phys. Anthropol., 124: 17-27.
Odendaal L.J., Haupt T.M. and Griffiths C.L. The Alien Invasive Land Snail Theba Pisana in the West Coast National Park: Is there cause for concern? KOEDOE 2008 Vol 50 No. 1 93-98
Swingland I.R. and Klemens M.W. The Conservation Biology of Tortoises IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) No. 5, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources 1989
The Echo City awards baboon tender 31 July 2014
• Flora
Carstens W. The appeal of proteas Veld & flora December 2013 198
Cowell, C. Investigating the Most Favourable Seed Establishment Methods for Restoring Sand Plain Fynbos on Old Fields MTech Thesis in Horticulture, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town March 2013
Carruthers, J., Robin L., Hattingh J.P., Kull C.A., Rangan H. and Van Wilgen B.W. A native at home and abroad: the history, politics, ethics and aesthetics of Acacia Diversity and Distributions 2011, 17 (5):810-821
Fynbos Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town Pamphlet
Hitchcock A., Cowell C. and Rebelo T. The lost fynbos of Tokai Park Veld & Flora March 2012 30-33
Holmes, P.M., Rebelo A.G., Dorse C. and Wood J. Can Cape Town’s unique biodiversity be saved? Balancing conservation imperatives and development needs Ecology and Society 2012, 17(2): 28
Holmes P.M. and Newton R.J. Patterns of seed persistence in South African fynbos Plant Ecology 172: May 2004 143-158
Mustart P. Life After Death in Fynbos: The story of fire and seeds Veld & Flora June 2000
Keulartz J., Van der Weele C. Between Nativism and Cosmopolitanism: Framing and Reframing in Invasion Biology In: Drenthen M., Keulartz F., Proctor J. (eds) New Visions of Nature. Springer, Dordrecht 2009
Manne, L.L., Williams, P.H., Midgley, G.F., Thuiller, W. , Rebelo, T. and Hannah, L. Spatial and temporal variation in species-area relationships in the Fynbos biological hotspot Ecography 2007, 30: 852-861
Myers N. The Biodiversity Challenge: Expanded Hot-Spots Analysis The Environmentalist 1990, Vol. 10 No. 4 243-256
Mukundamago M. Restoration of Cape Flats Sand Fynbos: The Significance of Pre-germination Treatments and Moisture Regime MSc Thesis Conservation Ecology and Entymology, University of Stellenbosch
Petersen, L.M., Moll E.J., Collins R. and Hockings M.T. Development of a Compendium of Local, Wild-Harvested Species Used in the Informal Economy Trade, Cape Town, South Africa Ecology and Society 17(2): 26
Plants Fight Back Veld & Flora Factsheet Plant Defences, September 2014
Rebelo T.G., Freitag S., Cheney C. and McGeoch M.A. Prioritising species of special concern for monitoring in Table Mountain National Park: The challenge of a species-rich, threatened ecosystem Koedoe 53(2), Art. #1019, 14 pages
Rutherford M.C., Powrie L.W., Husted L.B. and Turner R.C. Early post-fire plant succession in Peninsula Sandstone Fynbos: The first three years after disturbance S. Afr.J. Bot. 2011
Climate Change
Botes A. et al Ants, altitude and change in the northern Cape Floristic Region Journal of Biogeography (J. Biogeogr.) 2006, 33, 71–90
Ceballos G. et al Accelerated modern human–induced species losses: Entering the sixth mass extinction Sci. Adv. 2015;1:e140025
Freeth R., Bomhard B. and Midgley G. Adapting to Climate Change in the Cape Floristic Region – Building Resilience of People and Plants in Protected Areas IUCN/SANBI/GEF
Hannah L., Midgley G, Hughes G. and Bomhard B. The View from the Cape: Extinction Risk, Protected Areas, and Climate Change BioScience 3 March 2005 Vol. 55 No. 231-242
Hansen J. et al Ice melt, sea level rise and superstorms: evidence from paleoclimate data, climate modeling, and modern observations that 2 °C global warming could be dangerous Atmos. Chem. Phys. 2016, 16, 3761-3812
James N. and Hermes J. (eds) Insights into Impacts of Climate Change on the South African Marine and Coastal Environment Pretoria: South African Environmental Observation Network, SAEON/SAIAB/SANBI
Malcolm J.R., Liu C., Miller L.B, Allnutt T. and Hansen L. Habitats at Risk – Global Warming and Species Loss in Globally Significant Terrestrial Ecosystems World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) 2002
Pope Francis Laudato Si – On Care For Our Common Home Encyclical Letter 2015
UNESCO/World Heritage Convention Case Studies on Climate Change and World Heritage UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Paris First Edition reprinted May 2009
Van Doorn, A., O’Riain, M. and Swedell, L. The effects of extreme seasonality of climate and day length on the activity budget and diet of semi-commensal chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) in the Cape Peninsula of South Africa Am. J. Primatol. 2010, 72: 104-112
Watson J.E.M., Shanahan D.F., Di Marco M., Sanderson E.W., Mackey B. and Venter O. Catastrophic Declines in Wilderness Areas Undermine Global Environment Targets Current Biology 1–6 November 7, 2016 26
Welz A. Biofuels – They could just be the biggest threat that African nature has ever faced Veld & Flora June 2007
Abad Viñas R., Caudullo G., Oliveira S. and de Rigo, D. Pinus pinaster in Europe: distribution, habitat, usage and threats In: San-Miguel-Ayanz, J., de Rigo, D., Caudullo, G., Houston Durrant, T., Mauri, A. (Eds.), European Atlas of Forest Tree Species. Publ. Off. EU, Luxembourg 2016
Britton P.E.N. A short history of forestry in South Africa SANParks Annexure C October 2006
Conference Transcript – Welcome to the 5th WOOD Conference 5th WOOD Conference 2015, Cape Town
Danjon F., Fourcaud T. and Bert D. Root architecture and wind-firmness of mature Pinus pinaster New Phytologist 2005, 168: 387–400
Department of Environmental Affairs Question No. 46 For Written Reply: National Assembly Ref: 02/1/5/2 2010
DWAF Key Issue Paper for a Policy on Transfers of State-owned Industrial Plantations 2004
Exit policy deadlock finally over Wood Southern Africa & Timber Times, August 2015 12-15
MTO Forestry Tokai & Cecilia Harvesting Plan 2016 to 2017
Uys C.J. The Impact of Pine Plantations and Alien Invertebrates on Native Forest and Fynbos Invertebrate Communities in Table Mountain National Park PhD Thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Cape Town
Working for Water A South African Sustainability Case
Knysna Fires 2017
The CSIR report, The Elandskraal Fire, Knysna – A data-driven analysis, has now been released (it is dated June 2018) and is available for download. The report, following on from findings covered by noseweek’s articles (see below), confines itself to the cause of the Elandskraal Fire and its conclusions can are summarised as follows:
- Extensive corroborating scientific evidence points to the existence and spread of a smouldering fire (probably underground) that was most likely caused by a lightning strike that occurred on 22 March 2017 in the area of Elandskraal.
- The first sign of evidence of the existence of a patch of brown, dying vegetation was detected by the Sentinel 2 satellite on 29 March 2017. Satellite imagery indicates that the area of smouldering vegetation had grown to 3 033 square metres by 18 May 2017, prior to the Elandskraal fire. The patch of dying vegetation is now also visible in satellite images on Google Earth.
- Lightning strike data from the South African Weather Service’s South African Lightning Detection Network suggests that a positive lightning strike that occurred on 22 March 2017, in the Elandskraal area, was the most likely cause of the smouldering patch of vegetation (referred to as a “holdover” fire), but this cannot be established for certain.
- On the morning of 7 June 2017, north-westerly winds had reached maximum speeds of up to 50 km/h by 03:30 and 55 km/h at 05:23. This could have provided sufficient oxygen for a smouldering, underground fire to flare up.
- Based on active fire detection by satellites, it is estimated that the smouldering patch of vegetation most likely flared up between 05:00 and 05:30 on 7 June 2017.
BREAKING NEWS: Knysna fire smokescreen noseweek February 2018
Knysna fire: CSIR report confirms we got it right noseweek July 2018
Knysna fire: secret CSIR report bombshell noseweek January 2018
Report of the Chief Fire Officer: Knysna Fire and Rescue Service on the Fire origin and possible cause in the Elandskraal area: Knysna on 07 June 2017
Situational Analysis of the 2017 Knysna Fires – Lessons Learned Report Vulcan Wildfire Management 2018
National and International Treaties and Legislation
National Environmental Management Act, Act 107 of 1998 Government Gazette Vol. 401 No. 19519 27 November 1998
National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, Act 10 of 2004 Government Gazette Vol. 467 No. 26436 7 June 2004
National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, Act 57 of 2003 Government Gazette Vol. 464 No. 26025 18 February 2004
UNEP/WCMC Biodiversity A-Z International and other treaties resource
UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage General Conference 17th Session Paris 16 November 1972
UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage World Heritage committee, Thirty-third session, Seville, Spain, 22-30 June 2009
United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity 1992 Rio Earth Summit, 5 June 1992
UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage – Report of Decisions World Heritage committee, thirty-third session, Seville, Spain, 22-30 June 2009
CDF Report – Table Mountain National Park Conservation Development Framework 2006-2011 Volume I SANParks June 2008
CDF Technical Report – Table Mountain National Park Conservation Development Framework 2006-2011 Volume II SANParks July 2008
Forsyth G. and Bridgett J. Table Mountain National Park Fire Management Plan CSIR ENV-S-C- 2004-043 May 2004
Heritage Western Cape Handbook 20 September 2013
SANParks CPPNE Tokai Cecilia Baseline Information Maps 22 September 2006
SANParks Heritage Significance and Vulnerability Assessment of Tokai and Cecilia Annexure A 2006
SANParks Re: Tokai and Cecilia plantations in the TMNP Paddy Gordon, Manager TMNP, Letter undated
SANParks Table Mountain National Park – Tokai Manor Precinct Plan August 2012
SANParks Tokai and Cecilia Management Framework 2005 - 2025 May 2009
SANParks Tokai/Cecilia Management Framework – Baseline Information Report Geostratics CC 22 September 2006
Settlement Planning Services Conservation Development Framework for the Cape Peninsula National Park Report 1298/R3.3 March 2001
Settlement Planning Services Managing the CPPNE: A Strategy for Private Land Consolidation Cape Peninsula National Park, Ukuvuka Campaign, City of Cape Town, WWF-SA, Park Committee
Shroyer M., Kilian D. and Jackelman J. Wilderness in an Urban Setting: Planning and Management of the Cape Peninsula National Park, Cape Town, South Africa USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P-14. 2000
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Table Mountain National Park – Park Management Plan SANParks March 2008
Table Mountain National Park – Draft Park Management Plan SANParks For the period 2015-2025
Table Mountain National Park – Park Management Plan SANParks November 2015
Tokai Cecilia Management Framework: Comments and Response Report
Tokai Cecilia Management Framework: Issues and Responses Document SANParks 22 September 2006
Table Mountain National Park CDF Report: Conservation Development Framework 2006-2011 Volume I
Table Mountain National Park CDF Technical Report: Conservation Development Framework 2006-2011 Volume II
Tokai Cecilia Management Framework 2005-2025
Ballantyne F., Palaeoecology and Vegetation Dynamics in the Cederberg Wilderness Area MSc Thesis, Department of Botany, University of Cape Town 2010
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FAO/IPGRI Genebank Standards 1994. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, Rome
Finney M.A. FARSITE: Fire Area Simulator — Model Development and Evaluation USDA Forest Service, Research Paper RMRS-RP-4 Revised 2004
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Mswazi M. Crop Agriculture, Pollination and the Honeybee SANBI Poster
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Stewardship Nature Reserves CapeNature Pamphlet
Rebelo A.J. An Ecological and Hydrological Evaluation of the Effects of Restoration on Ecosystem Services in the Kromme River System, South Africa MSc Dissertation, Conservation Ecology, Stellenbosch University December 2012
SAACA The SA Civil Aviation Authority pulls the plug on Working on Fire operations Media statement 15 July 2015
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Western Cape Provincial Government Veld Fire Plan 2014/2015 Western Cape Government
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